
Spring 2021 Classes

THREE New series of virtual Adult Acting Classes at Bucks County Playhouse

ACTING FOR ADULTS 16-60+ Scene study and monologue techniques. This class is for a multi- generational group of students of varying experience. Using improvisation, assigned scenes and monologues the actor will identify the intersection of their own authentic self to the fictional character. This validating class is fun, and encourages compassion and understanding of yourself and those you will be working with.

Students of varying levels are encouraged to sign up. You can be a curious beginner or a more experienced performer.

Tuesdays. 6:30-9pm (2.5 hrs) 8-10 students 

April 6- May 25 (8 weeks) $240


WRITING AND PERFORMING YOUR SOLO SHOW- This class will guide the actors/writers towards creating their own 10 minute personal monologue for performance. Through writing prompts you will mine moments from your life; secrets, memories, stories you discover you want to tell. I will coach you on bringing your words once crafted from page to stage. This class empowers actors towards the creation of their own work. Each of us has a story to tell that can illuminate our common human experience. Is there a better time than now to tell it?

Wednesdays 6:30-9  8-10 students

April 7-May 26  (8 weeks) $260


NEW! Join the Bucks County Playhouse Writer’s Room

This workshop is available to purchase as a package for all sessions or as a per session drop-in class Thursday nights 6:30-8:30 April 15 2021 – June 3, 2021

Many writers find it helpful to share their writings-in-progress with a small community of supportive colleagues. Some need deadlines for motivation to start or continue their work, and find that a scheduled class provides a gentle nudge to keep on-track.

This workshop is designed for writers who wish to meet regularly in a supportive weekly session. Prompts will be provided as an option, but you may also continue working on your own projects instead. The workshop provides accountability. Feedback is not prescriptive but in the form of remembered images, moments and words from peers following optional group sharings. It’s a good way gain perspective on how your writing affects others.  When and what you share is totally under your personal control.

$35 drop in a la carte 20% Discount for committing to full 8 weeks up front ($240)

This workshop is available to purchase as a package for all sessions or as a per session drop-in class

Thursday nights 6:30-8:30 April 15- June 3, 2021 $35  per session

 REGISTRATION Below are the direct ticketing links:
Acting for Adults:
Writing and performing solo
Writers Room – Writing Workshop
Contact me if you have any questions.

Coaching/Teaching During COVID

I have been able to coach students both using Zoom, and by taking advantage of outdoor space at my home in Trenton, NJ. Contact me for details.

ALSO, I have resumed teaching virtually.  Two new workshop series at Bucks County Playhouse

ACTING FOR ADULTS 16-60+ Scene study and monologue techniques. This class is for a multi- generational group of students of varying experience. Using improvisation, assigned scenes and monologues the actor will identify the intersection of their own authentic self to the fictional character. This validating class is fun, and encourages compassion and understanding of yourself and those you will be working with.

Students of varying levels are encouraged to sign up. You can be a curious beginner or a more experienced performer.

Tuesdays. 6:30-9pm (2.5 hrs) 8-10 students 

NOVEMBER 10- DECEMBER 15 (6 weeks)

PRICE: $180 for the six class series.


WRITING AND PERFORMING YOUR SOLO SHOW- This class will guide the actors/writers towards creating their own 10 minute personal monologue for performance. Through writing prompts you will mine moments from your life; secrets, memories, stories you discover you want to tell. I will coach you on bringing your words once crafted from page to stage. This class empowers actors towards the creation of their own work. Each of us has a story to tell that can illuminate our common human experience. Is there a better time than now to tell it?

Wednesdays 6:30-9  8-10 students


PRICE: $200 for the six class series.
   REGISTRATION  Below are the direct ticketing links:
Acting for Adults:
Writing and Performing Your Solo Show: